La Boutique aux bâtons – Un fragment du “Livre de la joie”
Cette année-là, au printemps, tout fut tout d’un coup chamboulé. Un gredin de virus avait commencé à rendre les gens malades – qu’ils fussent jeunes, vieux, blancs, noirs, riches, pauvres, qu’ils fussent de Jassy, Rabat, Lisbonne ou Toronto. Le virus ne faisait...Winning new audiences at ToRo Fest
This Saturday at 10.30 I had the launch for the English Romanian edition of “I Wish I Were a Unicorn” book, at ToRo Fest, the most important cultural event of the Romanian community in Toronto. It was a very well organized weekend, with more than 26...Hello, Brampton! Fall Book Fest, Here I Come!
Saturday, September 29 I will be one of the featured authors at the Fall Book Fest in Brampton. I will be reading from my latest book, “I Wish I Were a Unicorn”, at Shoppers World, 499 Main St S, starting at 1 PM.
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