by Andreea Demirgian | Nov 2, 2020 | Books
Etobicoke Acacias turning whole streets golden, as if the light were filtered through honey lenses. Port Credit Big waves at Port Credit on a windy day. The improbable encounter with the smell of decomposing weeds, sand, and broken shells on a lakeshore. The illusion...
by Andreea Demirgian | Jun 13, 2020 | Books
That spring, in a special meeting, the City Hall decided that swings, and slides, and monkey bars should no longer be touched. “This virus is too dangerous”, said one City councillor. “It lives on all surfaces. Kids put their hands in their mouths all the time, they...
by Andreea Demirgian | Jun 13, 2020 | Books
Cette année-là, au printemps, tout fut tout d’un coup chamboulé. Un gredin de virus avait commencé à rendre les gens malades – qu’ils fussent jeunes, vieux, blancs, noirs, riches, pauvres, qu’ils fussent de Jassy, Rabat, Lisbonne ou Toronto. Le virus ne faisait...
by Andreea Demirgian | Jun 8, 2020 | Books
That summer no one went away on a holiday. Planes weren’t flying and buses had big signs saying: “Essential Travel Only”. For some reason, governments around the world didn’t think holidays should be considered essential travel. Visiting your grandma wasn’t...
by Andreea Demirgian | Jun 5, 2020 | Books
Aconteceu durante a primavera do ano em que nada mais era o mesmo. Naquele ano, um vírus mortal deixou todo mundo doente. Jovens, velhos, brancos, negros, ricos, pobres, em Toronto ou em Lisboa, esse vírus não tinha preferência, era passado de pessoa para pessoa. E...
by Andreea Demirgian | Oct 16, 2018 | Books
Two weeks ago I started taking French classes, after a gruesome assessment that I almost missed. I did study French for more than 7 years, and quite intensively I might add. All the words are there. I can remember most of the correct tenses for most of the verbs. I...
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