The Stories of Miss Firicel

“The Stories of Miss Firicel”Cover image for "The Stories of Miss Firicel" is Andreea’s first book, published in 2009 by one of the most important publishing houses in Romania, Aramis. Inspired by and dedicated to her eldest daughter, it tackles major issues like why do children go to kindergarten, what happens when we die, why seasons change and why kids should never walk away from their parents.

These seven gentle stories contain no references to violence and are meant to teach, heal and help children cope with major emotions.

Cover image for the audio book version of "The Stories of Miss Firicel"

Although the first edition is now sold out, the audiobook in Romanian is still available for purchase. The audio version, read by the author, comes with music and sound effects made to transform the listening experience into an amazing audio-journey.

Each story has a separate file and it can be downloaded instantly after purchase.   

If you would like a digital copy, please send us an email at


Cover image for "The Stories of Miss Firicel" Romanian-Chinese editionThis title has been reprinted in several bilingual versions in 2016, through a European Union Project.

The purpose of this project was to offer migrant kids relevant books signed by authors from their new countries. 

Next Publishing Group has ordered more illustrations and re-printed it in Romanian-Chinese and Romanian-Turkish versions. 


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