A friend of mine asked me today if I knew Adrian Sina. I know tons of people, for almost 20 years knowing everybody was my job. I said I probably do. His name sounded familiar to me. He is a VIP, he’s a pop star and a Vlogger. Our paths must have crossed numerous times at various events. Did I ever shake his hand? Probably not. For sure, we never had coffee. Why do you ask?

“In one of his Vlogs, his little girl is holding your book. All the time. Take a look!”

Somewhere in Bucharest lives a child that likes my book so very much, she walked the streets of Vienna holding it in her arms.

There’s my book, on a stool by the door, ready to embark on a trip over the border. There it is again, on the plane. And again, in the airport shuttle. Look at this little girl caressing the cover of my book!

To see a child holding your book like that, what a precious moment for a writer!

Thank you, Simona, you made my day. Thank you, darling girl, for taking the Unicorns with you.

Hugs from over the ocean!